Thursday, April 24, 2008

Horny Toad Hustle - Sneak Preview

The tireless staff at have been burning the moonlight hours (over trailside beers) devising new and nefarious ways to mix things up a bit.

SO - Let's go climbing.

On the drawing board: 4,130 feet of climbing over 18.6 miles for the Sport (long) loop.

Compare that to the Signal Peak Challenge that offers a paltry 3,681 feet of climbing over 22.4 miles (bottom image).

Click image for Biggie Size

As compared to:


Sunday, April 20, 2008

Cerillos del Coyote '08


Ah, it feels good to ride! Great day, great race, great work from the Socorro crew.

Outstanding turnout.

results posted

I was feeling kind of glum to be at the (not quite d.f.l.*) bottom of my group, then I saw I came in before a few of the younger sporties, including a spry 31 y.o. I nipped at the line by a second. I'll take comfort where I can find it.
*in fairness, it looks like d.f.l. had a mech on lap 2

An hour twenty three in "Zone 4," and I felt good when it was over. A good effort for me, and a good day on the bike.
